mercredi 15 juillet 2009

This is a conversation I had with a complete stranger named Jessica, on omegle. She got disconnected right after this, we could'nt share adresses.
If think you know her, please get in touch.
Thomas: What's your hobby ?
Jessica: photography! :D
Jessica: and you?
Thomas: I don't really know, they're lots of things I like to do. Reading, Playing the guitar, playing go. One of those probably.
Jessica: yes i like to do many things to but that one is the first that pops into my head
Thomas: What things do you like to take pictures of ?
Jessica: everything
Jessica: it's handy to have a camera on me in case
Jessica: i see something
Jessica: i just came back from a trip and i took like, 2000 pictures
Thomas: Wow;
Thomas: ^_^
Thomas: Where to ?
Jessica: new york!
Jessica: and new jersey
Thomas: I've been wanting for some years to learn how to take good pictures, but never found the time it seems
Thomas: I'm always disappointed when looking at my photos...
Jessica: hey I have just been practicing for years taking pictures how i like and i never went to any lessons :p
Thomas: I should try that too ^_^
Jessica: yes :)
Jessica: get a nice point and shoot camera, maybe a tripod if you don't always have a steady hand
Jessica: and just read through the manual it is pretty easy to figure out once you do it so many times
Jessica: you can go to a city and night and get all the lights by having the shutter open for a few seconds long
Thomas: Do you know what cameras are best ? I don't really want to spend hundreds on something not worthwhile.
Jessica: yes, canon and nikon are probably the two best brands
Jessica: i have my dads old nikon and its very big professional one but i don't know how to use all the functions on that properly yet, i only use it sometimes when i need a very far away shot with its lens
Jessica: *canon
Jessica: but my little digital one is tiny and easier, and takes amazing color pictures and everything :)
Jessica: if you want i'll show you
Thomas: Yup, please.
Jessica: alright! i got this specific one at best buy
Jessica: one minute
Thomas: Take you time
Thomas: your*
Jessica: :)
Jessica: well while the page is loading,
Jessica: maybe you can search it too
Jessica: its a "Canon Powershot SD780"
Jessica: and just the things it has is
Jessica: you can take pictures with automatic flash, flash on, no flash, or slow synchro for night shots, it has all the settings like for night, portraits, regular phots, sunset, fireworks, kids/pets, long shutter, beach, snow, underwater (if you get a case), aquarium, foliage,digital macro (which is very up close)
Jessica: also 2 really cool things are "color accent' and "color swap" and color accent is if for example, you were in a room with a bright specific color and you wanted just that one color to stand out, you can
Jessica: and everything else is black and white or dull
Thomas: nice !
Jessica: and its easy to adjust things to take pictures very quickly so it wont be as blurry in low light or something
Jessica: lots of things!
Thomas: Is that the one ? Seems they changed the name for french version...
Jessica: lets see
Jessica: hmm yeah mine looks very similar but mine is black
Thomas: ok
Jessica: yes i think thats the same
Thomas: Well, I'll bookmark it, thanks
Jessica: no problem. :) glad i could help
Jessica: their are less expensive a little less function ones too of course
Thomas: ok. I'll look up.
Thomas: I supposed you've figured out I'm from France, but what about you ?
Thomas: suppose*
Jessica: haha yes
Jessica: I am from the usa
Thomas: What state are you living in ?
Jessica: washinton :p
Thomas: Well, I'm near Paris ^_^'
Jessica: wow :)
Jessica: what an old romantic city
Thomas: Yup. But I just get to know it as I started to study in there since past year
Jessica: what are you studying?>
Thomas: Well, in France, after high-school, there are special study called "Prépa" that prepares for the colleges (equivalent of colleges, I think), and that are quite generalist, even if they have a major field of study
Thomas: Mine is biology
Jessica: oh wow, there you go :)
Thomas: But I do almost as much maths, physics and chemistry actually.
Jessica: mathematics and scienced
Jessica: sciences
Thomas: yup.
Thomas: I really like sciences ^_^
Thomas: What are you doing ?
Jessica: that's great, there are lots of jobs for that
Jessica: all europeans start college earlier i think :p
Thomas: Well, not really.
Thomas: Maybe a bit earlier, but standard age is 18
Thomas: or 19, depending on when you're born
Jessica: we are usually in highschool, seniors are about 18 or 19 and then if they go to college yeah
Jessica: its like 4 years =x
Jessica: ughhh
Thomas: ?
Jessica: so much school left, lol
Thomas: ^_^
Thomas: School's cool. Sometimes.
Jessica: sure, it's good to go to, i don't hate it
Jessica: but this year is going to be the toughest everyone says
Jessica: there's a lot of pressure at my school =/
Thomas: =/
Thomas: Well, at least I suppose it means that you'll get to a better level
Jessica: :3
Jessica: I want to be a photographer but i don't know if that will actually happen
Thomas: Why not ?
Thomas: It that's what you really like...
Thomas: They'll always be jobs for passionates ^_^
Jessica: yes! :)
Thomas: I'll look forward to seeing your photos then ^_^
Jessica: thanks a lot
Jessica: you are so nice :0
Thomas: Well, so are you ^_^
Thomas: Just hope I didn't annoy you with my questions about photography ^_^
Jessica: i love helping!! i feel like i know stuff :)
Thomas: Well, you do.
Jessica: i might get into photography class this year but its a small class so i dont know
Thomas: That would be cool. They are being selective ?
Thomas: You must have great marks ?
Jessica: only of number of people =/ i took "introduction to art" last year, and i got an A and you have to take that class before photography or any other art medium
Jessica: so maybe i will :)
Thomas: Well, hard to get better than A ^_^'
Jessica: =D
Thomas: Argh, I must get rid of the habit of starting all my sentences with "Well"... Must be because english is not my native langage, or something...
Jessica: lol, that's okay!
Jessica: wwwwellll
Thomas: ^_^
Thomas: It looks strange to me, when I'm reading it afterwards
Thomas: Also, I hope I didn't make that much langage mistakes...
Jessica: not at all
Jessica: i would not know that you are from france : )
Thomas: ^_^
Thomas: Thanks.
Thomas: At least, when writing, no accent problems.
Jessica: is it hard to learn english?
Thomas: I wouldn't say so, when you compare it to french.
Thomas: Your grammar feels natural, and without not so many exceptions
Thomas: Not that much irregular verbs, too.
Thomas: In french, it's almost as if regular verbs were the exception ^_^'
Jessica: wow :o
Jessica: verbs are a pain in the butt, i feel impaired trying to learn spanish, especially since my teacher was so bad :D
Thomas: I'm learning spanish too.
Jessica: imperfect and irregular verbs and preterite and
Thomas: Harder than english, too.
Jessica: wow you think so? then i dont feel so bad!
Thomas: Yup, spanish is quite like french, only a bit simpler, I think.
Jessica: humm
Jessica: i am not as good as you, i can hardly know 2 languages :D
Thomas: Well, if you saw/heard me speak/write spanish, you'll know that's it's the same for me ^_^'
Thomas: I'm pretty sure you're better at it than I am, and by far
Jessica: aww nah :]
Jessica: have you ever been to america?
Thomas: Unfortunately, no.
Thomas: Flight tickets are really expensive
Jessica: \
Jessica: oh yes i know =//
Thomas: And as I don't know anyone there, I'll have to rent something.
Thomas: Which makes it even more expensive
Thomas: ^_^'
Jessica: aww
Thomas: But I'll try to go one day ^_^
Thomas: After going to Japan.
Thomas: ^_^
Jessica: you will think that is wild :)
Jessica: i've never been there but my friends have before
Jessica: but japanese are quite fanatic sometimes :|
Thomas: That's what makes it fun.
Thomas: ^_^
Thomas: What about you ? Ever been to France ? Europe ?
Jessica: lol
Jessica: but a long time ago
Jessica: i have never been to france but i've been to holland, england, and ireland
Thomas: By the way, what's your name ?
Thomas: ^_^
Jessica: haha! thank you
Jessica: Jessica :) and you?
Thomas: Thomas.
Jessica: thomas the tank engine : )
Thomas: Well, nice to meet you, Jessica.
Thomas: tank engine ?
Jessica: there is an old book called that \
Thomas: Oh ^_^
Jessica: a train named thomas haha
Thomas: Didn't know that.
Thomas: Maybe its name is different in France.
Thomas: ^_^
Jessica: there he is lol
Thomas: Wow. He does look like me a lot !
Thomas: ^_^
Jessica: hahaha
Jessica: then you must be so cute!
Thomas: I don't really find trains 'cute'. ^_^
Jessica: lol
Thomas: What's your favorite movie ?
Jessica: right now, it is "Up"
Thomas: Didn't see it.
Thomas: Well, it's been out for a week here in France ^_^
Jessica: i love to see lots of movies too though, so favorites are hard to choose
Jessica: it is so sweet :3
Jessica: i like also, slumdog millionaire, raising arizona.
Jessica: oh wow its been here for about over 2 months
Thomas: Yup, apparently, it takes around 2 months to planes to bring movies to Europe. Must be really slow ones.
Thomas: Same for about every Hi-Tech things.
Thomas: (When they get there...)